
Facebook timeline privacy breached: Hacker posted on user's wall Internet

Monday, August 19 2013
Facebook timeline privacy breached: Hacker posted on user's wall

Mark Zukerberg's privacy breached, wall timeline hacked in attempt to file Facebook security loophole

In an attempt to reveal security loophole in Facebook wall timeline, a hacker named Khalil posted his bug report on Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg's timeline. The bug existed in Facebook users wall and timeline till 18th August 2013 before it is now fixed by Facebook security engineers.

That fixed security vulnerabilty was extremly severe giving any user access to post on unknown people's wall by passing all privacy options in Facebook profiles. 

According to hacker Khalil, he tried twice to report the bug to Facebook security system using Facebook Whitehat bug reporting option but his two attempts went in vain as facebook did not recognize his reported bug as a security threat.

In his third attempt, Khalil crossed the limits and posted his message on Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg's wall breaching the privacy to bring the bug in notice to Facebook security team. According to Khalil, he gets contacted by Facebook security team within a minute and his account got suspended for breaching Facebook Privacy Policy.

Facebook admits the security bug in timeline and immediately fixes it to stop it doing further harm to other users after getting exposed in lime light.