SEO : Search Engine Optimization


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an optimization process of a website or webpage to improve it's indexing (Rank in organic search) result for related keyword searches in search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yandex. Vendors who provide search engine optimization services are known as Search Engine Optimizers.

SEO targets different types of searches on web including academic search, video search, images search, real time news search, local business search, map search and industry specific vertical search in process to optimize results in search engines.

Search engines uses siders to crawl web pages on websites. These spiders are also known as bots and capable to crawl and discover zillions of pages, media content on website automatically and make them available for indexing in their respective search engine.

Sitemap submissions, Title, Keywords and Description meta tags optimization are the most favored SEO techniques for better search engine results for search engine users query. Search engines like Google, Bing provide enhanced webmasters tool for submitting sitemap for search engine crawlers. Webmasters tool also suggest about HTML improvement related to duplicate title, description  or inappropriate length of title and description content in meta tags of related webpages. Following the instructions from webmasters tool helps to improve Search Engine rankings in keyword searches (organic search).