
Peggy is the new moon of Saturn in the solar system News

Wednesday, April 16 2014
Peggy is the new moon of Saturn in the solar system

Peggy to be new moon in 62 moon family of the planet Saturn in the solar Sytem 

Nasa's Cassini-Huygens space probe latest images suggest that Saturn may be in the process of forming a new moon (celestial body). This new celebstial body is named as Peggy in the scientists community.

Peggy is a tiny, icy satellite of Saturn. This satellite has been spotted directly, but a bulge in the Saturn's A Ring. A ring is the brightest and outermost ring of the planet. Peggy is the 62nd moon of the the planet.

Scientists hope Peggy will leave it's position from A ring and take new position like other natural satellites in the solar system.

However, Peggy's origin and size suggest that Saturn capacity to create massive satellite depleating and astronomers may find more rings around the planet than massive satellites.