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Google Doodle: Hermann Rorschach's 129th birthday Inkblot test Internet

Thursday, November 07 2013
Google Doodle: Hermann Rorschach's 129th birthday Inkblot test

Google Doodle marks Friday, 8th November 2013 as Hermann Rorschach 129thbirth day with interactive inkblot test 

Hermann Rorschach was a swiss psychoanalyst. He was born on 8th November 1884 in Zurich Switzerland. His nickname was Kleck. He is famous for his psychoanalysis test named as inkblot test.

In inkblot test, Hermann Rorschach used 10 slides to show them to subject and record their reactions. Half of the slides are colored and and half as back and white. He did his experiment with 300 subjects and recorded their views to establish his inkblot test.

Hermann Rorschach introduced inkblot test (form interpretation experiment) in his book Psychodiagnostics. His work in his experiment remained uncompleted after his death in 22nd April 1922 at an age of 37 years.

Hermann Rorschach was from an artistic family. He chose his profession in physchoanalysis and combined it with his inherited cultural values.

Google Doodle celebrate Hermann Rorschach 129th birthday with an interactive inkblot test. Google search users can share their inkblot test figure on their social profile to hounour the great Psychiatrist.